How Often Should You Clean A Dog’s Ears?
How often should you be cleaning your dog’s ears? Dogs should not need their ears cleaned unless there is a problem. Once in a while there may be a bit of wax or dirt that can be seen in the outer part of the ear. This can be cleaned from your dog’s ear by wiping it out with a face cloth with warm water on it or a facial tissue. Never use cotton tipped swabs to clean a dog’s ear as they can cause damage to the ear. Cleaning a dog’s ear when there is not a problem can create a problem by changing the microenvironment of the ear. This leads to an overgrowth of the normal bacteria and yeast that live in the ear resulting in an ear infection.
Dogs that have material in the ear usually have a problem that needs medical treatment. Ear infections are not simple things and are usually a sign of a more significant problem. If your dog’s ears need to be cleaned often, you should take your dog to your veterinarian to have the ears examined. Your veterinarian can determine the best course of treatment and give you directions on proper cleaning of your dog’s ears.
If you have further questions about cleaning your dog’s earscontact us. We are happy to answer any of your questions.
Yours in health,
Dr. Kent Morley